Friday 11 February 2011

Azkals game a big TV hit


MANILA, Philippines � The Philippine Azkals were not only a hit on the pitch, but in the TV ratings game, as well.

Studio 23, which broadcasted the AFC Challenge Cup qualifying match between the Azkals and Mongolia Wednesday night, reported a significant rise in its audience share in the TV ratings.

Studio 23 is owned by giant TV station ABS-CBN.

The live broadcast of the game, which the Filipinos won, 2-0, before some 20,000 fans at the Panaad Stadium in Bacolod City, rated 7.55 percent nationally or an audience share of 10.7 percent, according to Kantar Media/TNS TV rating firms.

Kane Errol Choa, head of ABS-CBN Corporate Affairs and Public Relations said the 10.7 percent audience share doubled their average from October 2010.

�This (audience share) is double the full day average of 5 percent audience share which we reported last October,� Choa said.

�For Studio 23, it was amazing already, it�s better than the Indonesia-Philippines semis match coverage last December,� said Peter Musngi, vice president of sports of ABS-CBN.

A source said the ratings of the match could not be compared to rival stations� programs during the same two-hour period because they have a different genre.

�At the time of 7-9 p.m. the programs of other stations were mostly �teleserye� or drama compared to Studio 23 which aired a sports event,� the source said.

Manila Bulletin

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