Thursday 10 February 2011

Coach says Azkals could have scored more goals


BACOLOD CITY � German coach Hans Michael Weiss tipped his hat to the Philippine Azkals for a job well done in their AFC Challenge Cup qualifier against Mongolia on Wednesday night, but he said he felt the Filipinos could have scored more goals.

Though they had 32 clear attempts, the Azkals managed only to eke out a 2-0 win before an enthralled crowd � reason why he said they need to improve and develop their finishing skills.

They also have to possess a killer�s instinct to become more effective.

Still, Weiss partially blamed the slow scoring output to the Blue Wolves, who proved to be a tough nut to crack.

For a nearly a dozen times, the goal-scoring opportunities took place at the goalmouth, but were denied repeatedly by the Mongolians, who were reduced to 10 in the second half.

�It was a good match because our game plan to put pressure was put into reality,� Weiss said shortly after the match witnessed by more than 20,000 at the Panaad Stadium here. �But it was a pity we didn�t score more.�

The 43-year-old former coach of Rwanda�s Under-17 side said he plans to give the players technical training in scoring more goals.

�We will put more sided games with goals so the players have many scoring opportunities in the training. We will also do some technical training for the players to get in front of the goal and then score more goals than it was the case today (Wednesday),�
Weiss said of his wards, who were expected to have a scoring binge against a team inactive for nearly two years.

�But we were also unlucky in some parts of the game when we hit the post many times. So if we put it all together a 3-0 would have been absolutely fair even a 4-0 would not have been ... (impossible).�

The Azkals owned the lion�s share of possessions but had a hard time penetrating the Mongolian phalanx of defenders, who played with just 10 players in the last 63 minutes.

The Azkals broke the ice after only in the 42nd minute after Emil �Chieffy� Caligdong, a product of football-crazy Barotac Nuevo, scored a spectacular shot between the legs of the stunned Mongolian goal keeper Ganyabar Tseveensuren. Caligdong set up the goal near the goalmouth with a perfectly-timed lob using his left foot before ramming home the goal.

The Mongolians were reduced to 10 men in the 27th minute after midfielder Pagamsuren Altantulga was sent out for a second yellow card for delaying a free kick.

Near the end of the match, however, Fil-Briton Younghusband scored on a left-footed roller to double the lead in injury time, sparking wild celebration among a sea of white shirt-wearing supporters.

A fireworks display celebrated the win.

�We had 32 attempts on goal and we scored twice but I�m not this discontent. It just gave us all chance in the rematch,� Weiss said.

Weiss said the Philippine Azkals will take a one-week break before heading to Baguio City on Feb. 21 for a high-altitude training in preparation for their rematch with the Mongolians on March 15 at the Ulan Bator National Stadium, where the weather reportedly drops below freezing point in the afternoon.

The Philippine Azkals will only need a draw in the match to advance into the group stage, where they will join Bangladesh, Myanmar and Palestine. Group match starts March 20 in Bangladesh.

Weiss praised the Mongolian team for their tough stand.

�They were very tough opponent we had a hard time breaking them down and they played very defensively which I expected. They played according to their capacity,� Weiss said.

Manila Bulletin

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