Monday 7 February 2011

Statement of Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda

On Reports that the President will be attending the AFC Challenge Cup in Bacolod

[Released on February 7, 2011]

The Palace has received reports that some media outlets in Bacolod are disseminating information that the President will be attending the AFC Challenge Cup on February 9. We would like to reiterate for the record that, while the President indeed holds the Philippine Azkals in high esteem�monitoring the team�s performance in the past AFF Suzuki Cup and in fact even granting them an audience in the Palace upon their homecoming�there was never any confirmation that he will attend the game.

The President recognizes the value of his office, particularly on the morale of our athletes and others who represent flag and country in competition. He would like to assure the Azkals of his appreciation for their efforts to reclaim our national pride. He extends his support to the team, and while his schedule prevents him from expressing such support in person, he is nonetheless there in spirit. He will be getting constant updates on the game as he attends to matters of state.

Official Gazette

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