Tuesday 3 January 2012

This is my first non Fair Play, non-Sun.Star Cebu related post in months.

And yep, I'm scared out of my wits for my first 21K.   On Dec. 30, I planned to run from Banawa to Sto. Nino Village and back, and that should get me to my planned 15K (Google map pending) a week before the Cebu City Marathon.

But the rain, and the party (I ran to a party last Dec. 30) stopped me from getting to the final half of my route.

21K is easy for the weekend runners, but I haven't joined a weekend run since August, and I haven't ran longer than a 6K, officially that is.

Also, I wished that the Jan. 7 friendly, which was in doubt when I started training, would push through so I would have a reason to skip the Jan. 8 event.

The friendly is pushing through and I'm skipping it for the Jan. 8 run.

Sus Ginoo.

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