For the second week in a row, UMass faces the proverbial "Big Game". After eight straight I-AA victories and being undefeated in the A10 Conference, you would think UMass would have won something.
Not really. UMass is in the playoffs (probably), although there will be a lot of eight-win teams for the committee to consider.
UMass has not won the A10 North or the A10 Championship or a home playoff game. Today's game with the Black Bears will go a long way in determining the those outcomes.
The Atlantic 10 Game Day article is here .
Dave Coulson looks at the state on I-AA and today's ins and outs here .
The Boston Globe has a Maine game article here .
The Boston Herald has a game article here . And the Springfield Republican has today's game article here .
Matty Vautour will have some input on the Gazette's UMass Sports Page, but I'll be on my way by the time the articles are posted .
Since I am going to both the UMass Football game and then the basketball game at 5:00 pm, I am probably through posting for today. Articles and game images will be up tomorrow.
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