Monday 7 March 2011

2014 FIFA World Cup qualifiers - Rankings announced

Kuala Lumpur: AFC has announced the rankings for the FIFA World Cup 2014 Asian Qualifiers Round 1 draw that takes place on 30 March 2010 at AFC House.

The rankings are based on the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Finals as well as the Asian qualifying rounds for the main tournament. The final number of entries will be confirmed later by FIFA.

Rankings for the FIFA World Cup 2014 Asian Qualifiers Round 1

1. Japan, 2. Korea Republic, 3. Australia, 4. DPR Korea, 5. Bahrain, 6. Saudi Arabia, 7. Iran, 8, Qatar, 9. Uzbekistan, 10. UAE, 11. Syria, 12. Oman, 13. Jordan, 14. Iraq, 15. Singapore, 16, China, 17, Kuwait, 18. Thailand, 19. Turkmenistan, 20. Lebanon, 21, Yemen, 22. Tajikistan, 23. Hong Kong, 24. Indonesia, 25. Kyrgyzstan, 26. Maldives, 27. India, 28. Malaysia, 29-30, Afghanistan, Cambodia, 31. Nepal, 32. Bangladesh, 33-34. Sri Lanka, Vietnam, 35. Mongolia, 36. Pakistan, 37. Palestine, 38. Timor Leste, 39. Macau, 40-41. Chinese Taipei, Myanmar, 42-43. Bhutan, Guam, 44-45. The Philippines, Laos
Suspended-Brunei DS

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