Friday 23 December 2011

Addazio's sound advice for Bernard Pierce

One last time, Derek "Bonecrusher" Dennis leads the Diamond Marching Band in bowl-championship T for Temple U. Bernard Pierce will do that after the national title game next year (hopefully).

At this time of the year around the turn of the century (last one, not this one), a young girl named Virginia wrote a letter to a newspaper editor asking if there really was a Santa Claus.
What followed was about the best response to a letter to the editor in the history.
"I've always been a believer if you have a chance to be a first-round pick, that's great. But, if not, I think you come back and get your degree and enjoy your senior year and be a marquee player in the country and all the great things that go with it."

_ Steve Addazio

Steve Addazio isn't an editor, but he gave Bernard Pierce just as good response on whether or not he should enter the NFL draft.
The basic tenant of which was, yes, Bernard, there will be an NFL next year (and the year after that) and if you are not going to be a first-round pick THIS year, stay in school, get that degree, and possibly get guaranteed first-round money NEXT year.
I haven't seen one first-round projection this year, but I can easily envision it after a solid senior season for Bernard.
Here are some highlights from the Addazio press conference:
"I have (sat down with Bernard) and he's got to sit down with his family and evaluate the situation. Those are personal decisions and they've got to make them based off the facts.
"You put your stuff into the NFL and get feedback and let them process the information, that's all you can do. I've got friends in the league and give them feedback. You give him all the information that's factual and doesn't have an agenda to it.

Four of the estimated 6,000 TU fans in Owlbuquerque.
Thanks, CT, for the great photo
"I've always been a believer if you have a chance to be a first-round pick, that's great. But, if not, I think you come back and get your degree and enjoy your senior year and be a marquee player in the country and all the great things that go with it. I'm a guy who deals in facts. I'm not an agenda person. You want the facts, here's the facts. If you want my opinion, then here's my opinion. In this world we're in today, at times, there's a lot of different opinions that have agendas.
"All you can do is offer your help. Do I have all the answers? No. I have some experience in it. All you can do is offer your opinion."
On whether the decision to come out should be made on whether or not he's a first-round pick:
"Me, yeah. That's not just me. That's a pretty strong consensus out there. I mean, Stay in school. Get your degree. Play college football. You are supposed to be in college for four years.
"Guys came out of school early for one reason. The money got so grand in the first round ... I mean, that's why but not to just do it. The NFL is a rough business. Stay in college. Enjoy yourself as long as you can. Get your degree. It's all about getting your degree. Get your life set. Joy is fleeting. Knowledge is everlasting. Don't get away from those fundamentals."
Very profound.
Not exactly as profound as "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" but certainly "Yes, Bernard, there will be an NFL next year" rings just as deeply.
Heck, I've always written that Bernard is a first-round draft pick. I maintained that since his freshman year but that assumption was made on the basis of a four-year career.
If he stays for his senior year, he will be one just as certainly as  there is an  NFL.
Santa Claus?
I'll leave that question for the newspaper editors.

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