Monday 5 December 2011

AFC C License Course Starts Today

Geared to further develop the coaching capabilities of local football coaches in Negros Occidental, the Negros Occidental Football Association headed by Charlie Cojuangco in cooperation with the Philippine Football Federation will be holding a 14-day Asian Football Confederation C license course at the University of St. La Salle.

The event that will run December 5-18 will be spearheaded by PFF technical director Jose Ariston Caslib.

Along this line, PFF�s plans are to focus on Philippine football�s grassroots development for 2012 as part of the an 8-year plan which will end in 2019. Through this, each FA will be able to produce 2,400 grassroots coaches. And since there are around 33 FAs, PFF is looking at 79,200 grassroots coaches by 2019.

The grassroots course is open to teachers, parents or anybody interested in the sport, which is patterned after the FIFA grassroots courses.

Earlier, Caslib stressed that, this is the first time that FIFA had given four grassroots courses wherein PFF is the only beneficiary among all other FIFA members. He also cited that this also shows the FIFA that the Philippines can move forward in football.

These programs are linked to the plan of having a strong national team by 2017 or 2019 that can play in the world championships.

What is the AFC �C� Coaching Certificate course? The AFC �C� Coaching Certificate course aims at training coaches and developing their basic techniques and skills in football. It is designed to teach the coaches to organize, direct and conduct basic coaching practices targeting especially young players.

The course lasts 13 days and requires a minimum of 85 hours of study time for both the practical and theoretical sessions. In the final examination, students will be assessed on their practical coaching abilities, knowledge of the laws of the game, in addition to learning and understanding of the theory contents of football.

Among the participation criteria for this course are playing experience, fitness status, physically fit, medically fit, full course attendance, current age (between 21 and 35), participation behavior, integrity, credibility, committed to coaching and coaching capacity, among others.* (JSGalunan, Jr./SCOOP-Bacolod)

Negros Daily Bulletin

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